Application and Enrolment

  1. All enquiring students must be provided with a Student Prospectus, a student application form and the ESOS Framework.
  2. Applicants must complete the student application form, sign and date where required and attach verified evidence of qualifications, work experience (if relevant) and IELTS test results.
  3. Offers must not be made to students who will be less than 18 years of age at the proposed commencement date.
  4. The Student Services & Administration Manager must review the student applications and determine if an offer should be made on the basis of the entry requirements for the qualification. To be accepted the applicant must at least meet the academic entry requirements and the minimum IELTS requirement.
    • Check the IELTS statement comes from an accredited IELTS testing authority – website
    • Check evidence of age – front page of the passport
    • Check that the rest of the application form has been completed
    • Check that the student has signed and dated the application
  5. If the applicant’s educational qualifications do not meet Sydney Global College’s admission requirements, other factors may be considered at the discretion of Sydney Global College. Verified evidence of these other factors must be included with the application. These other factors may include:
    • Mature age, and or proof of being18 years or older at the proposed date of commencement
    • Work experience,
    • Attitude and aptitude,
    • Previous academic results,
    • Attendance rate in the previous college,
    • Ability and skills to function in an academic environment,
    • Possibility to succeed in his/her academic endeavours
  6. The entry requirements can be assessed using the Sydney Global College Academic Mapping Guide to align overseas qualifications.
  7. Having arrived at an admission decision, the English language skills (language and literacy) will be assessed. If student has a satisfactory IELTS score (listed under entry requirements), the applicant will be offered a place in the chosen course.
  8. If an applicant cannot produce a satisfactory IELTS score, and there are doubts about the English language skills to cope in an academic environment, the applicant will be advised to enrol in an English (ESL or ELICOS) course for an appropriate duration until the student achieves an IELTS score of required for entry as listed in the Student Prospectus
  9. IELTS testing may not be required where an applicant clearly has the required English language skills. The application of this rule will be on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the English language requirements that apply to the visa eligibility for the country assessment level published by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Any evidence supplied in support of an application under this rule would require original copies of reliably authenticated evidence. Generally an IELTS test will not be required in the following situations:
    • Students educated in an English speaking country
    • Students who have completed the last two years of school in an English language speaking course
    • Students who have completed at least six months of a Certificate IV level qualification in Australia
    • Students have completed an alternative and equivalent test to the required level, for example an English Placement Test.
  10. Where an offer is to be made to an applicant the Student Services & Administration Manager must complete and sign and date Part F of the student application form.
  11. Once an offer has been approved by the Student Services & Administration Manager an offer letter must be prepared and despatched to the student accompanied by a student agreement. The student agreement must be completed and returned to Sydney Global College. At the same time an Electronic Confirmation of Offer (CoE) must be generated on PRISMS. The CoE must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the PRISMS User Guide. There must be a CoE issued for each qualification that the student is going to be enrolled in and for which an award will be issued if the student is successful.
  12. Applicants wishing to accept the offer must pay the fee requested in the letter of offer, complete the written agreement and send it to Sydney Global College. Once the completed written agreement and the fee is received (and cleared by the bank) an Electronic Confirmation of Offer will be generated and sent to the Australian Student Visa issuing centre to facilitate the issuing of a student visa.
  13. The completed written agreement must be reviewed and accepted by the Student Services & Administration Manager. Where a written agreement is to be accepted by Sydney Global College the Student Services & Administration Manager must sign and date the appropriate section on the student agreement.